Mr. Burchett knows of what he speaks....especially with "bendy" bows. I have several of his bows and they shoot wicked strong and fast. None have "worn out" nor taken a lot of set.
One other thing, please dont get caught up in the "quest" of a short bow pulling past your ear.....if you want to shoot English style stance and draw then make an English Long bow if you want to get the most out of your short bendy SELF bow then modify your technique to more resemble that of the Native Americans. You noticed that said self bows, if ya want that gorilla draw and a thumb ring then go with the "primitive composite" Asian Hunic or other type "horse bow". (horn, wood, syahs, and sinew)
I have posted several deer kills with so called "shorties", "bendy" or what ever else they get called and even at 24-25 inch draw and medium weight they drive my stone point arrows hard and kill clean......Native Americans used 'em cause they were good bows , sturdy, easy to make and easy to replace.