Thanks, All! I really appreciate the feedback!
Yes. I am now officially addicted. Have been since going to a cornstalk shoot in Talequah, OK, back in October.

Yes, my wife has noticed my absence and much negotiation has taken place to get me the time I need in the workshop.

To the tillering: Did about an hour of target practice with it before receiving everyone's comments and it held up okay over ~50 or so arrows. I revised the tiller last night (see pics 1&3 below). Thoughts?
Dimensions: 1 3/4 wide at its widest point (see 2nd pic for taper) 64" overall. I'm proceeding with a little decoration, laying in crow feathers on the back with tite bond III and covering that with lacquer.
Thanks for the welcoming messages and constructive criticism! I've been lurking here for quite a while, and it feels good to be part of the community.