What kind of epoxy did you use? I had one handle piece come loose almost 20 years ago, and not one since. It was purpleheart on yew, and their differences may have been the cause. Or it could have been a starved glue joint because I did things differently back then.
Anyhow... since then.... I use Smooth On EA-40, mate the pieces together as perfectly as I can, then scrape them with a toothing plane blade that is VERY slightly convex shaped. Since many of these glue ups are with curved/deflexed pieces, I do this without the planer body, while holding just the blade by hand, like a scraper, creating grooves parallel with the full length of both pieces to be glued, until they are the full depth of the teeth. Then glue with Smooth On, clamp, and set a shop light nearby for warmth.
If mixing epoxy, be certain it's adequately mixed. Spend an extra minute.
I have never had anything come loose or separate even the tiniest amount when prepped this way, including pieces that flex... sometimes I purposely flex the wood into the added on dip/handle piece. I leave no pedestal of extra thickness, and use no power lams. I've done this on short, stressed designs, and bows up to 70 lbs. It's worked every time... or maybe I've just been really, really lucky