I draw my 40# primitive hunting bow at 23# and feel more comfortable with the momentum from a heavy 555gr arrow than a 10gpp 400gr arrow. Because i am mainly a hunter vs. flight or target, i use this 555gr arrow as a constant, on every bow i build. Perhaps this isnt the best way to judge effeciency, its just what ive been doing.
On my 70# compound bow i draw 27" and shoot a 365gr arrow(which is just over the 5gpp minimum that the mfg recommends) at 301fps, resulting in 73 KE, where as the selfbow goes 135fps with the 555gr arrow resulting in 22KE. The difference in what goes on the business end of each arrow is as different as night and day, of course.
Why even bring nasty wheels bows into the conversation, i just think its interesting to look at the huge difference in equipment, performance, and then revel at the fact that a selfbow kills em just as dead when used properly