Author Topic: Guys, we now have TEN new overshot makers  (Read 1438 times)

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Guys, we now have TEN new overshot makers
« on: December 29, 2017, 06:05:27 pm »
One guy has only been knapping a couple of months.  He followed my directions and threw a monster overshot on a big biface.  He said that this is the easiest and best way he knows to thin a biface.  It is pretty clear he will never use any other thinning technology after this.

Got a guy down in Brazil how throw overshots on some crazy knarly stone.  He said that this is the best technique that he has ever used on stone in Brazil.

Another fellow made a fluted point preform with a well indented base.  He used the same technology to remove a flute from well inside the base of the preform, where a percussor could never reach.  It is a thin point.

Those are three reports out of eight.  And, many people are really excited. 


« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 09:47:19 pm by AncientTech »

Offline aaron

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Re: Guys, we now have eight new overshot makers
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2017, 06:24:35 pm »
Cool,but do we need a new toipc for this? I consider it established without a soubt that this technique  can produce overhhots. What's  next?
Ilwaco, Washington, USA
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