Well, for me as my son was getting older I thought it was time to start doing projects together. Would've loved to put together a classic mustang or camaro, but I was to poor. My Dad was a professional furniture restorer and a craftsman, so woodcraft was deeply ingrained in me, and I am a toxophile at heart. Archery had also been a long interest of mine, like many others I had a fiberglass bow as a kid. I was shooting arrows straight up into the air long before it became a thing in an Adam Sandler movie.

Somehow the two interests came together in my internet searches for father/son projects and I stumbled upon this dark mysterious underground community of bowyers. What?!?!?! People still build wood bows the old way?!?!?! I was hooked before I even got started.
That was in November 2010. Found Mickey Lotz's board bow build-along, got my son (and myself) a "primo" red oak board from the depot for Christmas, and we proceeded to build. That board actually turned out to be the best board in the history of red-oak boards (density, ring orientation, etc) and I haven't found one as good since (also switched to staves, so I'm not looking anymore). Both bows made it, but his was a little big for him, so dangit if I didn't "have" to make him another one a little more fitting

I now have all of TBB series, plus a few more books, as well as Asbell's instinctive shooting book. My son never took to the craft though, so I've been on my own, but loving every minute of it!!! Don't get to do it nearly as much as I would like though. I was starving for staves for a long time (until I realized it's ok to ask for free wood from those who have it growing), but now I have a literal "backlog" of wood in the garage my wife just loves to see