Author Topic: How did you get started making wood bows?  (Read 17028 times)

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Offline Badger

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2018, 02:26:23 pm »
Great story 240, I could relate to a lot of it.

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2018, 05:20:46 pm »
I started around 1978-9, always had archery close by, as my father was for the most part a archery hunter, and my brother and I of course followed in his foot steps.

My first bow, I got my arse whipped for that bow. It was "surprise" a Vine maple bow, bet I was 10-11 at the time. Since we lived in a residential neighborhood my father would not allow any "real" bows to be used, so I decided to make my own. I remember to this day picking out that piece of vine maple, and remember thinking, darn this stuff does not grow very straight. I used a old butcher knife to scrape the belly, until I could get it to bend, my dad even helped me put the knocks in, boy would he come to regret that. I remember wanting a rest, so I took a "I" bolt I think they are called (loope on the end with a threaded screw area) screwed it into my new boy, and away I went.... a bowyer, and hell on anything that moved in the neighborhood.

Well one day a group of us boys got together for cowboys and indians, sounds like great fun and it least for a while. My father had given me arrows that were not long enough for his recurve, and after some time I was a pretty good little shot at least in my mind as a kid. Well, back to Cowboys and Indians..... Think there was about six of us and loving my bow, you know what side I was on. My brother on the other hand was more inclined tward guns, so of course you know what side he had taken. Now from a young boy I have been very competitive and I always play to win, and family, well don't expect me to go easy on ya, I wanna win.

The object of the game was similar to to paint ball today, we each (per se) had a home, or fort and a sort of flag, when one side got your flag the game was over. The boys on the gun side had the spring loaded suction cup guns that could shoot maybe 10 yds, my bow, and the others that were fashioned after my "new" design were in the hands of other warriors, all with real arrows and most could shoot 15-20yds at best. I was back at the flag area, and I see my brother peak around the corner of the house we were at, I waited to see his next move, meanwhile reading my bow. Screaming for his friends to back him up, he went for the flag. Being in true native form, I figured it was a good day for him to die. I sent my arrow, and sure enough connected, right between his running lights, down he went. Being overwhelmed with excitement from my outstanding shot, I was happy as heck, until I seen the blood.......You know that moment, when you think something is great, and then you think about your dads hands around your throat, and your mom saying "how could you" Well I was there in a few seconds, and even though the thought of a scalp really intrigued me from my roll playing, I figured the only scalp would be mine, hanging from my dads lodgepole. Boy was I right about that, those were not warrior screams comming from my bedroom...more like white kid meeting his immidiate butt twitches just thinking about that day!

Well, you can amagine how this ended up I was rescricted from any archery for a year, butt shined for a good day, but hey looking at my butt in the mirror, I figured I was a little native now.


« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 05:30:36 pm by vinemaplebows »
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Offline NorthHeart

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #62 on: February 06, 2018, 10:01:10 am »
Cool story vinemaple!  Had some similar experiences myself.  Being all grown up now i never do anything sketchy like that lol (AT) (B)

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #63 on: February 06, 2018, 12:51:52 pm »
I've always had a bow as far back as I can remember.  In the 80's bow hunting in AZ was an opportunity to hunt by purchasing tags over the counter as it just wasn't all that popular.  Step father bought me a compound, I shot the snot out of it but hated sights and did my best to train myself how to shoot instinctive with it.  Eventually it ended up in the closet in favor of a glass backed recurve.

Anyway, fast forward to a couple of years ago and I'm in a lumber shop, they had a couple of osage slats and I had heard it makes a good bow.  My daughter was going on 5 and I figured I could make her something shootable from these thin slats.  Found the poor folks bows site and went tk work.  Made her a little 36" flatbow backed with fiberglass drywall tape.  It worked!

So the next progression was "I bet I could scale this up and make one for me".  That one didn'nt work but I've been hooked ever since. 
Trying is the first step to failure
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Offline Springbuck

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2018, 06:06:13 pm »
I took apart my mom's sewing basket handle and made a deflexed bow by tying yard through the handles when I was 4 years old.  The thin handle slat had holes on both ends and one in the middle and I could shoot though the middle hole.  The arrow was the dowel pole from a little flag I got at a parade or something.

I was always making tree branch bows ever since.  Prince Valiant, Vikings, Dungeons and Dragons kept me thinking about it for a while.  Eventually I made a "real" bow using my brother's machete and Larry Olsen's book "Outdoor Survival Skills".  It was 25 lbs, tall as 13 year old me, and made decrowned back and belly from a tamarisk  sapling from the river./

Then I got seriously into traditional archery and bowhunting from ages 18-present (46).   Then 12+ years ago a coworker wondered if I knew how to make a bow for her son, and I assumed I could figure it out, so I started making bamboo-backed bamboo flooring bows.  That lead to bamboo-backed everything else bows (osage, bamboo, gongalo alves, massaranduba, ipe, jatoba, etc.) and that lead to intense interest in just about any type of bow made from natural materials.

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #65 on: February 08, 2018, 01:37:02 pm »
Reading Vinemaple's story reminds me of when I nearly met my Maker. I was fifteen or sixteen, and one of my mates came over for the day, we shot my hedgerow hazel bow and shoot arrows till they were blunt and the bow was tired, then my mate shouted for me, I turned round and the arrow took me in the throat from under 10 yards. My angel was working really hard, it just bounced off, not even a bruise but I still go cold remembering, the bow had a good 60 yard range...
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 01:40:27 pm by stuckinthemud »

Offline Springbuck

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #66 on: February 08, 2018, 01:48:43 pm »
Yikes!  Happy for your good fortune, Stuckinthemud.  Glad it was blunt.

People underestimate bows.  When people wonder aloud to me how deadly a bow is, I have said in the past, "Remember those 20 lb fiberglass Cubscout bows?  If one of those cheap little arrows had a razor sharp tip, would you  let someone shoot you in the stomach with it?  NO WAY!  That could kill you."

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: How did you get started making wood bows?
« Reply #67 on: February 08, 2018, 01:54:41 pm »
God is good, I never invited him round again and my parents still don't know, 35 years later