I like these origin threads. they pop up every once in a while.
My story has two parts. When I was 9 or so, I really wanted a BB gun like my friends. My parents got me a green fiberglass bow instead, with which I killed countless cardboard boxes (and one neighbor's shed) all one summer. When I was 11, my older brother and younger sister died in a car accident. It was obviously a rough time for me and I felt very alone, like no one had ever been through what I was going through. I was in a scout group at my church which had exactly one kid in it--me. The leader that was assigned to the 11-year-old-scouts wasn't much of a scouter, but he liked to shoot bows and hunt. He gave me a bunch of old flint chips, a deer antler, and a rubber stopper, and showed me some rudimentary knapping techniques. I made a number of points and he helped me make a new string for my old bow, and I proceeded to shoot them into his target, until I missed with my best point and broke it. I shot off and on again with that bow and then my dad's compound when I outgrew it, but gradually other interests (girls?) took over, and archery was forgotten.
Fast forward to a couple of years ago, and my own son is working on an archery merit badge. As I was also involved at the time with the youth in my church, I offered to help the scout master. One of the requirements was to build a bow. The scoutmaster bought a bunch of oak boards and watched I think a youtube video from Boarriorbows, and away we went. My first thought was cool! I wanna try one (wait, no--my actual first thought was "this will never work"). So I started looking on the web for how to's, bought a hickory board, and started carving. My first scraper was a paint scraper. That bow worked pretty well for a while, but I needed arrows. I looked into buying some, and went into shock about how much it cost, so I started looking again, and found the bamboo tutorial on this site. Finding this group was the nail in the coffin, and I am afraid I am hooked.
But I still have the old green bow and the arrows--they were hidden at my dad's house.