I am making an Ash Flatbow. Pretty amateur at this, though with lots of wood experience. It's 70" long. While tillering it i ran into a problem; it developed a crack across the back (this also happened to my previous, first effort). After looking at the wood very closely, i realised that the ash had a weak, brittle layer under the bark, about 5mm deep. This may be a layer of weak summer growth, as the limb was felled in the autumn. I find this quite interesting in itself- it's not something that any of the resources i've looked at have mentioned.
Anyway, i managed to scrape this layer (and the crack) off. This has made the limbs quite thin, about 3/8" the entire length (at thickest- there is some curve across the back). So i now have a nice looking, flexible, but very underpowered bow. Any ideas how to stiffen this baby up? I would quite like to try steaming in some reflex (it has a tiny bit of natural reflex anyway). I could shorten it? String it tighter? stick on a rawhide backing? At the moment it has quite stiff ends, but i don't want to take more off it. It draws further back than i can pull (33" or so).