It broke! I think I might be cursed cause I can't seem to make a bow lately for the life of me. Am I really that bad? maybe I'm doing something majorly wrong that I don't know about? For some-reason this piece of wood was getting quite a bit of set, whether that was the issue of the wood, my design, or my tillering method I'm not quite sure. As you can see in this next picture, it had gotten maybe 2 inches or more of set from the original profile on the first page.

Maybe my tiller was off, causing too much stress on too little area. This is the last picture I took of the tiller at 20". I had gotten it tillered to 26" before it broke at a full draw of 28" but I don't have a picture of it that far, since I didn't want to leave it strung on the tillering stick for that long. Maybe I would have more sucess if I make a tillering tree with a pully. But I don't have a place to put that at the moment since I live in an apartment.

I'm surprised at where it broke. It wasn't at a knot, and it doesn't look like a hinge to me. It didn't even seem like that was the spot that was taking set on that limb. If anything I would have thought the right limb would have broken before the left based on the tiller. Maybe I caused some internal damage at that spot when I was applying serious torque to fix the limb twist?
So yeah, I'm a bit bummed out. I never drew it past 40 lbs, It was 66" NTN and the limbs were nearly 2 inches wide. Ah well, I guess I'll chalk it up to experience and move on. Unfortunately, that was plan B for Upstantenybowyer. Plan C is to see if I can somehow mend the previous bow I was working on for the trade, as it didn't officially brake yet, but I'm not too hopeful. If that doesn't work I think I might just have to respectfully bow out. I gave it my best, sorry I couldn't deliver.