So despite my multiple trials of steam bending there was still some twist in a limb. Inspired by another thread I started (,62137.msg869977.html#msg869977) I made a 2x4 wrench to help apply torque. Also instead of using a steam box, a pot with tinfoil, or a garbage bag which I was using before I was inspired by this video to use some plastic sleeve bags. I happened to have one that was storing a poster for my physics project, but you can get them off amazon. It looks like this.
The benefits are: it's not baggy so it's easier to work with, it can be any length you need it to be, and it's clear so you can see how your bending looks inside the bag. HUGE improvement to the black trash-bags I was using since I couldn't see how much it was bending, and miles ahead of the steam-box since you can manipulate it while it's still in the steam.
Anyway here's my set up. I have a steamer with a tube, that I just tape into the bag then tape the bag shut around the bow, but If you don't have one I'm sure you can improvise one out of a pot of boiling water somehow, although less mobile.

These next photos show you how bad the twist is, and what it's like after fixing it.