Hi Pat, Was the uneven reflex from the glue up, due to incorrect placement of clamping? It can happen if you reflex a stave in the middle, then offset the length of the limbs. The reflex ends up asymmetrical. When I plan a bow with asymmetrical limbs I place the centre of the reflex at the centre of where the handle will be.
I have a batch of lemonwood, and every slat from it, one half of the length will stay more reflexed than the other, right out of glue up. Nothing seems to correct it, not weakening the limb or heat. I cut up several boards at the same session and now they are randomly mixed together so I have no way of knowing which is a problematic board and which is fine.
Although this doesn't happen often, I'm coming to the conclusion that on future boards that I will cut them to billet lengths, mark the sequence and orientation so both limbs have the same internal stresses.