6" of reflex in 17" of limb sounds like a good bit, but you can do it that way if you want. You should do a dry run to be sure the pieces will take that degree of bend. If not, and I HAVE had them break on dry runs, at least you don't have everything covered in glue, and you can take your time and fix or remake the piece that broke.
It's doable, but you'll have to get the hickory close to finished thickness dimension so it will take the bend without breaking.
You have a few other options. You can heat it and bend it to shape prior to gluing it up. Or, stop short and go for less reflex if, on your dry run, it's too hard to pull down and proves it to be too risky. Or, you can do it as a trilam, thinner pieces bend easier. Or, you can run the hickory into the bandsaw for 17" to create a saw kerf, then glue a 17" hickory lam into the kerf, effectively making that part of the bow 4 lams, in which case it will bend quite easily. Just throwin that stuff out there.