Hello from Washington (the State)! I've been lurking here and on other forums for a few weeks now trying to absorb some basics before attempting to craft my first bow. SO much information and experience out there! Threads like "Pyramid bows vs. everything else" and others sure don't make it easy for a new guy to pick someplace to start. Anyway, I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm just going to pick a design and go for it. The first step on a long journey is often the hardest to take...

So, I'm going to attempt a standard pyramid bow. I like to concept and the tease of potentially easy tillering if I build it right. I have a couple of choices for wood. I have a few good boards of Ipe, and a few good Red Oak boards. I also have a nice piece of Hickory I'd like to back the bow with. (I really like the contrast on dark wood bows backed with something light). My goal would be to have a 40# at 27" draw. Since I have both woods available,
1) Is there any reason one (Ipe or Red Oak) would be better than the other for a first-timer?
2) I'm having a hard time finding "general" width/thickness guidelines to start off with for a 70" bow, 68" ntn.
3) Also, how thick should the Hickory backing be in relation to the Ipe or Oak belly wood?
Any guidance is appreciated! I hope to get to know you all better!