Thanks for the info, guys! I am actually in the process of shopping for a new bow for tax season. Thinking of a 50-60" recurve at 65# since I cannot find any tillered to a 23" draw. Would still give me AMPLE power. I also discovered I shoot INSANELY better mediterranean/3 under style. I can anchor way better that way is part of what I think it is.
My record was 10/20 on target at 10 yards on a 1 foot x 1.5 foot target with a 6 inch bullseye split finger. Tonight I tried out three finger just to see: 17/20 on target with 8 bullseyes without a warmup. I can draw more efficiently, anchor more efficiently, and release more efficiently three-under it seems. Always scoffed at that shooting style but now I realize how much I have been doing wrong over the years.
So apparently my "optimal" setup is: 23" draw, 24" (not including nock or head) shafts, and three-under style. I actually get more power on release too. The target I spoke of? Well... It was a 3 inch thick piece of styrofoam that I made and one of my carbon fiber arrows split it in half and cracked the wood 5/16 dowel that was holding it up