Hello guys!
I have hunt with primitivebow about 25 years. 15-25 animals/year. Also I hunt deers and mooses with rifle. Over 100 whitetails and 20 mooses so far.
Just a couple months ago we finally get the law change through and now its legal to hunt whitetail deers with bow in Finland.
New law allows to hunt now all species but moose, and large predators(bear, wolf, lynx, wolverine). Next step will be to get through the law that allows also hunt moose
with bow. To hunt deers you need to shoot the exam. Itīs three arrows from 18 meters to a point 23cm diameter. Only one has shot this exam through with primitive bow, and thatīs me =)
I got the first whitetaildeer ever shot with primitive bow in Finland about two weeks ago. I also shot the second one just a few days from the first. Those are so far the only whitetails shot with primitive bow.
First one I shot from about 11 meters and it walked about 25 meters until falls. Second deer I shot from 13 meters and it falls immediately. Both were fawns.
In Finland we got the first whitetaildeers in 1934 from Virginia, USA. Nowdays we have a large population of whitetaildeers. For example our hunting club have 7000 hectares area and about 200 lisences every season. I hunt at least 10 deers every season. Now I finally can hunt deers with bow, and thatīs amazing!
I make my bows by myself.
This bow I hunt these deers is sinewbackes oak bow, 139 cm long. 55 pounds. Arrows are made from Finnish pine. Self forged arrowheads and fletshing with feathers from our own turkeys.

The first one
