Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

drying conifer woods for arrow shafts

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  Willie, I found with the larch it was stiff enough that I could get the weight down right where I wanted it and still be stiff enough. I am working with some ash right now and having problems below about 250 grains with the stiffness.

I think the spruce "strongest for it's weight" is in tensile strength only.


--- Quote --- I could get the weight down right where I wanted it and still be stiff enough
--- End quote ---
Steve, I presume that you are still at 11/32" diameter at the fattest part of the shaft?

Don, I don't know, the sawyer said his airplane customer said it's the strongest he's found,  must have tested it somehow, but the sawyer didn't know how. I might know more when it gets a bit drier.

  Willie, slight above 1/4" at the fattest part for a 200 grain arrow.

Marc St Louis:
I tried Ash many years ago and didn't find it to be that stiff, HHB was better.

Did a bit of research on this and I would think that a high MOE to density is what you would need.  Wood species that seem to qualify is Ramin and Purpleheart with Ramin being the better of the 2


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