The limbs can have a different tiller, and when checked on the tiller, they will always return at the same time. But drawing it and letting it down slowly isn't the same as shooting it with an arrow or dryshooting it. If one limb is faster than the other, it will return faster, and go beyond brace height. When that happens, the string slams tight when one limb has gone past braceheight*, and the other has not reached braceheight* yet. Then the limbs have to return to the normal braced position after the string is tight, giving handshock.
The one that returns faster will be the limb that is stressed more and that will be the weaker limb but it also has to travel farther because it is bent further. I'm sorry but I still stand by my explanation as the most logical one, until somebody has one that shoots mine down.
Just to be sure that I understand your argument: you are saying that the limbs of a bow, when shot, will regardless of tiller and mass placement return to the same position as the braced, without one limb going past braced position?
I think that one could be shot down quite easily with a badly made bow filmed by a high speed camera

Shooting it down with words will be a bit more difficult. But I don't think it is correct that the faster limb will be the one that is stressed the most. Imagine an extreme case, where you have a bow with two identical limbs. Both are equally fast, untill you add some dead weight wood to the tip of one the limbs. Now they won't be equally fast, and you could even stress the limb with the dead weight more without making it faster. The one with the dead weight will travel a lot slower, and the string will slam tight before the slow limb has returned to it's (non-motion) braced position.
This could be tested quiite easily, just taping a small weight to the tip of one limb on a bow that has no handshock. It should gain handshock. And the other way around, one should be able to take a bow with handshock, and remove the handshock by adding weights to one limb. - that is, if the handshock was due to timing between the limbs in the first place, and not due to the tiller of the bow.
Interesting discussion!