this is an open forum.
i think that what i say is important and i have no problems with your other threads as well.
i like the IDEA of a primitive website.
and for some reason all of the things i see latley, not only from you but others as well....has just gone off track with some of the traditions and ideals of primitive technology.
the only thing i had a problem with an earlier post with you was that it was and is hard for me to choke down the words primitive and mass calculator in the same breath.
there are not to many websites with such active public forums outthere talking about the primitive skills we have learned and are putting to use now,and try to pass along in a positive manner.
i am willing to bet that you are an intelligent man,and have put lots of thought and theory in your work and studys on bowmaking.
myself i am fairly new to the sport and bowmaking but quickly learning that newer and more "updated" ways are pushing us further and further away from REAL primitive skills.
i may make a bow with slo cast and uneven tiller and heck not even a matched arrow in my quiver....but in the 1/2 hour or less it takes me to make such a weapon, i could use the rest of my time killing something with it.
primitive archery was about REASON.not theory.
you make a bow to feed your family, not to outshoot your neighbor.
english longbowmen had standards as they pumped out bows to the masses and they knew if they fine tuned them it could be quite better.....BUT for the time bieng they knew if they stuck with the BASICS they would build a functionable weapon.
how trad. is the trad gang?
it is by far growing by leaps and bounds.
we have a growing site here that i would hate to loose to bowyers making bows with more dial indicators and calculators etc. than with drawknives and or stone .
where do we make the cut off point to primitive?

i am worried,i am defensive.
not just to you.
the more the communities keep splitting up and deversifying the less numbers we have in a whole believing in the same wants and needs , of keeping the dimly lit lights of our primitive roots glowing.