Author Topic: Marginal benefits of added length beyond 60 inches?  (Read 3303 times)

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Offline gfugal

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Re: Marginal benefits of added length beyond 60 inches?
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2017, 11:08:23 am »
   ok I want to add to this,, when I first started making short bows bout 20 years ago, I wanted to belive there were just as accurate as longer bow, and I guess in a way they are, if you put them on a shooting machine they would probably do pretty good, but they seem to be a bit more sensative to the shooters form,, if you dont hold and release just right the arrow may be a bit off,,or more off than the longer bow,, just a bit more difficult to shoot every arrow consistantly,,,
    when I shot and hunted with them exclusively I could shoot a pretty tight group at 30 yards and felt they were accurate,,and still do feel they are accurate at close range hunting ,,,
     now I dont shoot them so much, when I take one to the mountain and shoot 40 or 50 yards I am just not as consistant as with a longer bow,,
     when I have been shooting a long bow ,, and take out a shorter bow it takes a while to get consistant with it,,I can do it,, but its a bit more work and takes more practice I think,,
     its not a huge difference at close range,, but the further you are shooting you start to see the difference and after shooting both types of bows for along time,, if you wanted me to shoot a target 50 yards I am gonna  shoot my longer bow that I can hit an anchor with,, I love shooting all bows,, I am not saying one is better,,, but there is a difference in how they shoot,,
The longer limbs act as stabilizers which make it more accurate. Same reason Olympic archers put these unsightly things on their bows.
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Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: Marginal benefits of added length beyond 60 inches?
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2017, 12:25:49 pm »
Eric, I think he meant more forgiving,,,but not for sure