I really want to build a bamboo bow to hunt with. I'm hoping to get 50 -55 lbs out of it. I have built a bunch of successful self bows and board bows but this is new territory!! I did as much reading on here as I could, but many of the pictures are down due to photobucket being the devil.
So right now I have some supplies and a bunch of questions....
Both bamboo lams are cut to 64 in. The sepele center lam is 66.
Here is what has happened so far: cut bamboo a year ago. its really dry now so I split off a 1.5 in section. burnt the hell out of it for the belly lam then flattened it the best I could with a rasp. ( I don't have access to power tools). I split out a section a bit wider and rasped it flat as well. I had a piece of sapele I used for making spearguns laying around already cut to about 1/8th inch and decided I would use that as a core lam trying to get a few extra pounds out of it. Nothing has been tapered both bamboo pieces are about 1/8 in (roughly).
I have some 2 ton epoxy and a bunch of inner tubes I plan on using for the glue up. looking to put in some reflex at the tips using a form like the one on poorfolkbows. anyone see any problems with this idea?
I cannot figure out how to get a handle on this thing... should I cut one and laminate it in there? If I do this do I have to cut the belly lam in half? should I keep it bendy in the handle and not worry about a "handle"?
I am worried about not getting enough power out of it for a hunting weight bow. I have done some floor flexing of the stack and its real bendy... I have read that the epoxy will make it much stiffer, so I am banking on that. Anyone with experience in these things have any input?
I really like the looks of bamboo back and belly bows, I have wanted to make one for a long time and I hope I can pull this off But I don't know what im doing so I am going to hold off until I get some input. Thanks everyone!!
Size of lams
Compressed stack of lams
The rest of the bamboo I cut a year ago just to give you an idea of the diameter.
Belly after toasting real good.
Thanks in advance for your input and help!