this is just a review, and hope those with experience will chime in on dos and donts after shooting a deer,,
my first suggestion is,,,, wait one hour after the hit before taking up the trail,,, that means dont look for blood or anthing just sit still,,,
there are exceptions to this,, like all things in archery,, but if you jump the deer up before it expires,,, it can go a long way and make recovery very difficult,,
if the hit is questionable, too far back etc,, wait till the next morning,, or if a morning hunt,, wait till afternoon to take up the trail,,the deer will probably be where it bedded down,,,
I can hear the responses about the coyotes,, yes that could happen,, but better to wait than jump the deer and have it run a mile,,, well what about rain,, well if you jump the deer in the rain trying to track to soon,, it gonna go a long way,, if you wait it will be there in the morning where it died,, I have experienced both