I think it's time to (mis)quote Marshal Tito: "Snađi se, druže, ako se nećeš ni ja ti ne mogo pomoći!" For the English speakers, it means; "Comrade, get round it (as in, be resourceful) if you don't, then not even I can help you." And the man was everything back then, thus, no-one could help.

Anyhow, I'm also having trouble finding useful cow horn on this side of the border. I've talked to a local farmer and he gave me a horn of a huge bull. But the trouble is that the horn is hollow all the way to the tip. The walls are nice and thick but they get really thin at the top and the inside tissue appears to have extended all the way to very apex of the horn. I talked to some people and they all say that's normal and indeed, that used to be my understanding of cow horn until I started this bowyering addiction. Now, I gave up on cow horn shortly thereafter because I found some nice stag antlers in the forest, but still.
What I wanted to say is that I understand where Filip is coming from with his frustration about horn. That's why one needs to channel one's inner communist dictator/leader/hero.