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Question on fletching theory

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   Allen, has anyone ever dried wood vanes. I made a couple the other day and I liked the way I was able to work it. and shape it. Not so sure how well it would come out of the bow though. I am thinking an offset string might remedy that.


--- Quote ---One thing I don’t understand in this report is why one type of vanes has such a dramatic effect compared to the other. I guess it may have to do with vibration from fluttering, but it is just a guess.
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Seems like a reasonable guess, Alan. The spinwing rotation rates are along the order of 4800 RPM @ 150 FPS, as reported in an associated study
while the gas pros were reported to not have any rotation in the wind tunnel.  Hope it doesn't take near that much rpm to add stability to a well balanced flight arrow.

Less than 1000 rpm should be more than sufficient. 400-500 rpm should be enough to keep the arrow from bobbing up and down as it realigns itself to a constantly changing direction of travel.  I am not sure how much of an effect this will have on laminar Vs. turbulent flow around the arrow. The model I was playing with always assumes turbulent flow. My real arrows seem to do about 20% better than the simulation and I figure that this might be due to the assumption that the arrow is always 100% turbulent.

It seems one is probably better off always insuring turbulent flow for a target arrow.


Interesting tech talk about fletchings! Just popped in to my mind that we haven't talked about two fletch arrows. So the arrow would be fletched only with 2 feathers. Not on opposite side, but on their "original" place, only the third missing. A fletching at say, 10 o'clock, the second at 2 o'clock. I heard that Monus uses this method of fletching and well, has succes. Next time you hit your arrow and break a fletching, just rip the rest off and shoot a perfect flight arrow! Lol...
In case this is proved to be complete nonsense, i blame Mikke (m.reinikainen atleast in paleoplanet) :D.


--- Quote from: Badger on October 21, 2017, 03:57:13 pm ---   Allen, has anyone ever dried wood vanes. I made a couple the other day and I liked the way I was able to work it. and shape it. Not so sure how well it would come out of the bow though. I am thinking an offset string might remedy that.

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I’ve never tried wood vanes. I believe they used to be used on crossbow and ballista arrows. I think I would try bamboo. Tonkin cane would probably be able to take some impact if made thin. I think it would be a lot like the vanes made from horn.



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