Relative limb balance has been at the forefront of my bow building for a long time, I almost wish it hadn't been because it drives me nuts sometimes... but yeah, I notice stuff

Arvin, I was taught by some of the 'best of their time' to take none of this for granted, question everything, everyone, and that includes fairly and objectively critiquing the work of others, but especially those who offer instruction, or have good reputations. Who better, and what better way to improve our own understanding and craftsmanship?
Willie, the arrow MAY have been nocked level with the shelf(we'll never know), but the arrow won't STAY level with the shelf as the bow is drawn if the limbs aren't balanced with one another and the archer's holds.
Jawge, I measured them as best I could. The limbs appear to be the exact same length.
Stickinthemud, I don't think there's an illusion that something's wrong, more likely that the bow being aimed slightly upwards helps hide the fact that there's an imbalance.
Donald, positive tiller is a judgment/presumption made at brace height, that is 'supposed' to result in a dynamically balanced bow at full draw, is it not?