OK, so I've done some work, the bow has been taken to 16" on a long string hanging 1" and is starting to show a small amount of strain (1/4" of set). The outer third of the left limb contains 6 knots and is naturally r/d . I think the centre of the right limb needs to come around a little bit , and the outer 1/3" of both limbs need to come around as well, but my eyes are starting to hurt.

currently the tapers, running left to right on 100mm intervals taken from the centre out are:
width: 16mm (tip), 25mm, 28mm, 26mm, 26mm, 26mm, 26mm, 26mm, 26mm(centre), 28mm, 27mm, 26mm, 25mm, 24mm, 23mm, 22mm, 21mm, 16mm(tip)
thickness: 16mm (tip), 18mm, 22mm, 22mm, 21mm, 22mm, 21mm, 24mm, 25mm (centre), 28mm, 25mm, 24mm, 23mm, 21mm, 20mm, 18mm, 17mm, 16mm (tip)