Long ago I thought shoots were generally the same,but like trees their densities are different.So far density wise the list goes here as starting with the densest native plum,dogwoods,sourwoods[very close to dogwoods though],multiflora rose,and hazel.All but sourwood is local.I'm in the process of getting ocean spray,oso berry and am looking for a trade of viburnum not local of which I think ocean spray will top the list in density overall.I'm sure there are other shoots I'm not familiar with or maybe some that are the same but with different names from different localities.
All this density comparison talk just means the shafts will be thicker the less dense they are.
A plus factor I've seen using elastic shoot shafts during hunting besides the tapered profile accuracy they give is that the arrow if it is'nt a pass through on an animal and sticks out will take the abuse and not snap off quite as easily from brush etc.[standing corn fields here too] the animal will hit with it as it runs from being shot.Moving the broadhead around internally to cause more damage and a sooner death.