well like the tittle of this post states,i am helping friend.
this guy i work with,heard of my new hobbie.
we got to talking and he told me his brother hassome form of cancer and that hey are having a benifit dinner/auction for him. this dinner/auction is coming up in about 4 weeks.he asked me awhile back if he was to order a floor tillered stave if i would finish it for him,being the kind sort that i am,and figuring that any practice is good practice,i said "sure,why not".
so i've been working on this boo backed hickory hunter,floor tillered stave he ordered from RUDDERBOWS ARCHERY(should make a nice looking bow).
he wants it to be a target bow in the range of 43 lbs at 28 inches. right now i've got it at about 35 lbs at about 20-21 inches and am seeking a little tiller advice
hopefully i havent screwed this up yet, and hopefully my picturs will post.
so any advice would be greatly appreciated,especially with the deadline coming quickly.

in the first 2 pics the lower limb is to the left and it is at 20 inches on the stick(only long enought to take picture)