Carol's been retired for 6 years. Between setting up new house in Missouri, family, travel, and keeping me in line, she's been plenty busy.
But in last year or so ya could sense that she was getting bored. So it came as no great surprise when she announced that she was going to look for a job. But her requirements from said job were rather restrictive.
No work on Wednesday's ... that's bingo day.
No work on weekends or holidays ... that's family time.
No work on evenings .... that's when Rylie's ball games are.
I was not optimistic about her chances.
Wellllll, Carol has a job! She will be driving a bus!!!
Hauling (ahmmmm, transporting) elderly, infirm, and financially challenged in the community to do their shopping, healthcare, etc.
Talk about a perfect job! Given her "people" skills, I expect she will quickly become one of the best known drivers in the area. She can also park vehicle the size of a bus better than most men .... me, in particular.
Two weeks ago she took tests and got her Chauffer's License.
Last week we traveled to company's main office where she cleared hurdles of medical exam, drug test, and indoctrination.
This week it's back to their main office for 4 days of training.
Then she'll be behind the wheel!!
I can't wait to hear the stories she's gonna bring home.