Most of you know who you are (some may even be tired of waiting), some will be surprised . Not all are on this forum. Most everyone knows I make Turkey Wing Bone calls, and most know I do not sell them. Most do know that I do donate them to auctions, drives, raffles, etc., trade them for "things" I want/need, and surprise deserving friends with one, from time to time

. Since mid-winter there has been a lot of that sort of thing (auctions and trades, etc.) going on -

and this ol' hoss got way further behind than I like to get in anything in my life. I also have been taking up new crafts/hobbies (arrows,bows,knives) and I have had to do those things as I have the materials and information (freely given) at hand - before I forget how -

All this to say - Take Heart, recipients! I now am caught up on all the building I have planned, at this time, (God, please don't let me have forgotten anyone) on TWB Calls and am actually ready to do the "Personalizing and Decorating". I hope to have that all done, and start mailing them out, with in the next week or two.
Here on Primitive Archer, this post also gives me a chance to show another (primitive?) thing I do - for the first time (for many of you, but not all).
Pics taken today 03/18/08:

Thanks for bearing with me, all of you wonderful friends and folks - I mean it. Bless you all, bless us all.