God designed ur collar bone as a shock absorber to save your neck and shoulder. Ultimately it will sacrifice itself to try and save you. I feel off s horse at a Bahama NC trail ride, put my foot in the stirrup, swung up, fell right off the other side! LOL. Crushed my collarbone out of existence, dislocated my shoulder, broke the shoulder blade in 3 places. Spent the day at the hospital and walked out just like Pappy said, basically just like I walked in... They said to let it heal and then recheck n it to see if it needed surgery! Hey me and a bottle of Aleve and some Vodka went to the BBQ and dance that nite. They gave me a scrip for super pain killers, didnt take them until the next morning. Then was so bad I had to have someone take me and my horse and rig home. That's friends, they drove me 150 miles home and put my gear away, unhitched the truck. Then they had to drive 250 miles home to the other side of Bahama up in b Va. Moral of the story is as my doctor saI'd. Use that arm to keep your range of motion, throw the sling away!