Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

FOC, center of pressure and performance

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In addition to the gyroscopic benefits of spin, perhaps there is also a beneficial reduction of turbulence? or thickness of the boundary layer?

Ok I won't ask for the math anymore. Ifen I was to understand it though I could shoot farther arrows than you guys. .  :-\ O:) ;D Arvin


--- Quote ---Ok I won't ask for the math anymore.
--- End quote ---
LOL......... Arvin, Its not like I try to follow the calculus either, I am too old to remember how.
I find the basic principles described to be of interest, but will leave it up to experimentation to see if the extra friction from a faster spin is a net gain or loss when glueing and trimming feathers on an arrow.

i came across this info- and thought i would just drop it here


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