Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

At the flats having a blast.

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I have been having a large time at Wendover flight shoot. Met some very interesting folks and seen all kinds of bows and arrows. Those arrows will go a loooonng way. The real stuff starts tomorrow. Arvin

  Good luck Arvin!  Daily reports if you don't mind

Have a good shoot, and watch out for all those wild women in Wendover!  Most of the casinos have real good food and are willing to take your money!  Have fun!

Well Steve the Hungary folks have set a couple records so far. Me being here for a week seems to have dried my bows out to much. This morning l shot two arrows before my sting broke and she dry fired . Broke in the handle. My best with some borrowed arrows from Lynn I went 300 yds in selfbow primitive. Tried another bow with same arrows this afternoon and got one arrow off before that one blew. 290ish yards.  I am wrapping my last two bows with wet towels tonight . These two are what I thought would do the best here. Will shoot broadhead division Sunday. Maybe they will stay together. Arvin

Welcome to the high dry country!  Might have to try my bows at long range out on the prairie to see if the dry holds true.  We are about the same altitude as the salt flats and about as dry!


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