Thanks Brad, always appreciate the comment on the build/tiller. The finish is the easy part for me. Thanks again.
Eric, I would say yes you could, but I don't think you would get the same "look" of the feathers with a "not so shiny finish". the under glass finish brings out the colors of the feathers in the sun light. I have found that you can not set/glue the feathers on the limb with a softer glue than the final finishing coat. I did that once and the harder finish coat crack all over the place.
I do know of bowyers that have done a feather back bow with something other than what I do with a good looking back. Gun Doc for one had a feather back bow for a TN Classic raffle table donation than looked pretty good, but didn't have that "Under Glass" look. I don't do this backing for hunting bows just bows for 3D shoots and show. Hunting bows are all about concealment and performance.