Author Topic: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!  (Read 4611 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« on: July 17, 2017, 03:05:26 pm »
Lemme tell ya, it has been hard. Really hard. 

For three years I have been working on proving something I had strongly suspected, and the good evidence just kept mounting.  I have been hiking desolate canyons with camera, GPS, spotting scope, and binoculars searching. I found excellent deer and mountain lion hunting opportunities. I found a dog skeleton with a collar and tags, putting a family's worries to rest once and for all (not an easy phone call to make). I found a prospectors/miner's camp with a dump containing a style of tin can that wasn't used after 1890.  While I did not make the actual discovery I sought, I helped eliminate possibilities and contributed to narrowing the search.  Final confirmation was done by a South Dakota Game Fish & Parks biologist. Any disappointment I felt was short lived and not particularly hard to swallow.  No, not the hairless sasquatch, but something even better.

We have finally have proven that there is successful nesting of peregrine falcons in South Dakota for the first time in 50 years! And not just one pair, but TWO!  Both nests will remain secret locations, in order to keep them from being inundated with crowds of people bothering them. 

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline DC

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 03:12:47 pm »
That's really good news. They are an awesome bird. Even up here where they are fairly common you don't see them much. If there's food for them they'll multiply. Are they as noisy around the nest as Merlins?

Offline willie

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2017, 04:57:14 pm »
Glad to see that you still have some breeding pairs around. Hope they don't get messed with by people.

Peregrines are fun to watch, diving and chasing other miniature jet fighters

Offline Pat B

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2017, 06:20:31 pm »
I don't believe you! Not about the peregrine, that's great news but about keeping your mouth shut.  ;)
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Offline YosemiteBen

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2017, 06:36:16 pm »
That is good news! We have 11 nesters in Yosemite.

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2017, 08:36:14 pm »
I was out Duck hunting about 40 years ago watching a  small flock flying by about 100 yards away when I saw a flash coming out of the sky from way up.  He didn't get the Duck but it was close and the Duck he went for made the wildest maneuvers I have ever seen a Duck do.
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline Adam

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2017, 09:07:35 pm »
That's great!  Sounds like you've made some pretty cool incidental discoveries along the way.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2017, 11:17:57 pm »
Great news!   The nest is somewhere south of Denver and north of Bismark? >:D.  Much better news than an eagle bite on the  nose!  Hope that healed ok.  I think there are quite a few down this way.
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Offline chamookman

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2017, 02:52:43 am »
Way cool  :OK ! Bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.

Offline upstatenybowyer

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2017, 07:38:10 am »
I remember doing a report on them in primary school. They dive at something like 250 mph? Glad to hear the great news!
"Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands."

Nigerian Proverb

Offline Stoker

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2017, 09:03:29 am »
Very cool JW.. Good news for the falcons.. Good on you for making the call about the dog  :OK
Thanks Leroy
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2017, 10:14:57 am »
That's great JW, just don't let em peck you on the cheek. Hope your getting healed up. Nice work on the falcons.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2017, 12:05:15 pm »
Last summer we had two instances where young peregrines were found grounded.  Both were fledged juveniles, capable of flight.  One was weak and dehydrated, the other had crash landed and had bruised himself up.  Both were successfully rehabilitated and released.  But they were both found early enough in the season that it was impossible for them to be migrating through the area from known nesting areas to the north.  Both times it was early enough that these birds would still be in the company of their parents and within the hunting territory of their parents!  One of the recently located nests is close to where one of the juveniles was found, the other did not turn up any evidence of breeding, however, an adult was regularly seen hunting this area (perhaps his/her mate did not return for the breeding season).

That's really good news. They are an awesome bird. Even up here where they are fairly common you don't see them much. If there's food for them they'll multiply. Are they as noisy around the nest as Merlins?
I have never had experience with nesting merlins.  Both nests were initially located by the adults giving holy hell to the searchers when they got close.  After initial location, all observation was done from long distances using spotting scopes. 

I don't believe you! Not about the peregrine, that's great news but about keeping your mouth shut.  ;)

Kinda like me hitting the center of the target.  It can happen, just don't expect it often!

I was out Duck hunting about 40 years ago watching a  small flock flying by about 100 yards away when I saw a flash coming out of the sky from way up.  He didn't get the Duck but it was close and the Duck he went for made the wildest maneuvers I have ever seen a Duck do.

I was hunting ducks coming off the fields near the Missouri River once and a flock of about 400 huge northern Canada mallards was circling the field where I was located.  All of a sudden, the whole flock turned on a dime and dived over the bluffs making for the river.  Out of the middle of the flock, I saw one DETONATE in a cloud of feathers and a dark streak like a feathered meteor blew through, circled around and followed the dead quacker down and out of sight. I can only assume peregrine since the human eye is not near good enough to pick details out at those speeds, but the behavior was right!!!

That's great!  Sounds like you've made some pretty cool incidental discoveries along the way.

There is this one spot where 5" diameter trees are debarked and thrashed with a vengeance and a clear field of fire from a nice little cleft in the rocks above.  I can even get to it by climbing down from the cliffs above where I won't spook the deer in the canyon (because anything that thrashed those trees has to be a seriously wary old buck).  Problem is, once I get him, it will either be a two mile drag through rough canyons to get him to a road, or else I gotta carry him almost straight up a 250 cliff, followed by a half mile drag uphill to the road.  If I do hunt this buck, I am bringing a salt shaker and a cast iron frying pan with me....only sensible way to pack him out will be in my belly!

I remember doing a report on them in primary school. They dive at something like 250 mph? Glad to hear the great news!

Current accurately measured speed record was with a trained bird and handler jumping out of an airplane several miles up and skydiving straight down on a weighted lure. The guy topped out at about 160 mph in a headfirst dive, but the falcon was clocked at 242 mph. 

Very cool JW.. Good news for the falcons.. Good on you for making the call about the dog  :OK
Thanks Leroy

I knew I would have wanted to know if it had been my dog missing. There wasn't much to find, my bet is that a mountain lion carried her off. I kept that opinion to myself since it was just an opinion with little fact to support it.

That's great JW, just don't let em peck you on the cheek. Hope your getting healed up. Nice work on the falcons.

My nose is a little asymetrical, but functional.  I say it has a positive tiller to the right nostril.
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Offline Del the cat

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2017, 08:18:46 am »
Nice one JW  :)
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Offline soy

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Re: I have been released from a promise to keep my mouth shut!
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2017, 03:40:43 pm »
u r da man )P(
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...