Raining today so no pics of finished hide

Rodger, Iused a #12 short beading needle and Dynma thread size" A". You need to load up a couple of needles before starting to sew in case ya break one, It's all I can do to get the dang thing threaded but leaves a real tight sewing job, This particular hide was real nice as far a skinning and only had a small 3/8 entry hole and a 1" slice on the exit, and the hunter who skinned this one did a nice job. Pappy it usually only gets in the mid 70s here but yesterday was 83 and muggy overcast high humidty.

HawkD, at this stage the brains were already in the hide, I have been hand stretching until the hide is white but still wet then quickly lace in frame and finish working till dry , no party to help

. This particular hide I got away with a single braining overnight soak. The trouble with hot weather is brains sour real fast

:owhew, Anyways hide finished out soft, will try and get a pic up as soon as rain quits, I have about a doz to go and then start smoking. Bob