Self evidently it
can be done.... but
Time ... it takes a lot of time.
As soon as you start trying to characterise something accurately, your measurement methods have to become meaningful and that takes more time.
Ever tried to get an accurate chrono' reading?
Even just a depth & width measurement at mid limb is tricky, metric vs imperial, to what accuracy? To do a whole limb you have to decide at what intervals. Every 2", 6"? Both limbs?
I started my Bowyers Diary as an aide memoir and I do put down some figures, I do measure some key dimensions of some bows.
Yes it's a good idea, yes it's useful, but it is hard to maintain the momentum and do all the work on all the bows.
If it ain't fun, it don't get done !

Sorry I'm sounding like a grumpy old git
(voice from stage left... "That's because you are a grumpy old git!)