In my area when the cottons flyin, the flatheads are layin. Of course that just gives you an indication of the season at which times a knowing country boy is headed for the creek. No need for expensive tackle, a nice long stringer or paracord will do the trick. No need for bait either. Those cute little hand sausages work just fine!
I've been waitin for the right time to go, and it doesn't happen every year. We often get local floods at the "right time" and creeks are un swimmable for weeks. Not that the fish mind. They get their business done and move on leaving us with empty freezers for another year. This year everything worked out and we found ourselves with a whole afternoon to go for a swim.
At the jumpin in point (location undisclosed) there is a ledge of rock about 4' down and running for 50' or so. We often find something laying up under there and well back in. A skinny stick is first procured and the depths are well plumbed before deciding to move on. As we slow drift down stream (crawling so as not to ding the shins too much) we feel with hands and feet for any likely hidey holes. Moving from 1 rock to the next I finally feel the slimey texture of a fish under a nice slab of rock. I bring the boys (nephews) over to get the feel of a fish and then work him out and on the stringer he goes. Just a sweet little 8 pounder.
A bit later we were huddled around a rock and I had felt something give under my stick. I reach a little too close and BAAAAMMM!! He nailed me! I jerked back with wide eyes and nearly fell over laughin at my violent reaction! They have a way of scaring the bojangles out of ya. Not wanting to keep the fun all to myself I asked who wanted to go in after him? Sammy said, "I'll go!" So he cuddles up to that rock and started feeling around. Now I'm giving him instruction on what to feel for and getting ready for some good ol entertainment when he hollers "got im!" and ups with the tail end of a 15# snapper! (Yep that's right, my mit got chewed on by a dinosaur.) Little turd was grinnin ear to ear! The boy that is, the turtle was none to fond of bein jerked from his place at the snack bar.
Fifteen minutes later and I advised Ben, "don't miss that big rock over there. Might be a hole under it." and headed on down cause I figured there wasn't a hole under it. A minute later I hear Ben say, "got one." shoulda checked it myself..
So we all belly up to the rock, blocking possible exits and start feelin for fish. Ended up pullin two out of that hole and nice ones at that!
Flatheads prepared right are the best fish I've ever et. And we caught em while swimming in the creek!