Thanks Brendan.

Steve and Leon, to me I would rank apple right up there in the top 10 of all the "white woods." Similar to plum in it's workability and strength in tension, but not quite as good in compression. A little heat treating of the belly goes a long way with that though. It's nice and snappy as well. I owe the performance on this one to Badger's no-set tillering approach and Marc's methodology for using dry heat.
Blitz, thanks man. You're absolutely right, I need to learn how to make arrows bad! You can't have a bow without an arrow, and my experience with bows is way out of balance with making arrows. Thank you for taking the time to send me that PDF. I'll definitely be checking it out soon.

Thanks BJ. I had the camera balanced between some cans of bug spray and a small tackle box and it fell over while counting down before taking the picture more than once.