yes hope it makes it easier to find,, and I like painting them,,

the shafts are Maple and tough as nails,,
I have hex heads on some of them,, and some field points,,
the arrows weigh about 700 grains and will hold up to some tough shooting,,
the bow is osage,, and mid 50's,,,,, I am pulling to about 26 inches,,
it is 54 inches long,,
but extra wide so i will hold that draw fine,,
sometimes people worry about the heavy arrow and long shots,,
this bow is about point on at 45 yards,,,if I put the tip of the arrow on what I want to hit a that range,, and I do my part it is pretty close,, hitting my empty ice tea bottle is not uncommon,,
under 30 the heavy arrow is no problem at all,,I have been shooting quite a bit getting ready for elk season in sept,,
I find shooting the up and down and being out of postion on the side hill great practice,, no shot is ever the same,, I want to make it count if I am lucky enough to get a shot this year,,

also,, I practice out at long range,, but shooting at an elk my shots will be under 30 yard,, hoping for a 15 yard shot with the elk lookiing the other way,,,