Training and experience can help, but I think there is the majority of the human race that stops to think and a small percentage that acts. I have never been trained in any discipline such as EMT, military, lifeguard, or any other field where you have to just plain act on gut instinct. But I have happened onto several situations where others fell apart and I just did what needed doing.
My ADHD is overwhelming. Any distraction is THE FOCUS until the next distraction. It is like living in a snowstorm of Post-It notes and I have to read and act on every one that instant. There is no ability to filter and classify, everything is Priority One. The last time I had clarity was the day I saw someone ahead of me skid out on an icy bridge and down into the ditch they went, almost rolling. Next instant, I lost all four wheels' grip. Clutch pedal to the floor, foot off the gas, stick moved to neutral, get the front wheels pointed straight down the road....and in very slow motion, I followed them into the ditch. As soon as my wheels were off the pavement into the snowy ditch, I knew traction was better, so I picked a lower gear and took my foot off the clutch to allow the rear wheels to create drag. Straightened out, got under control, swerved around them and stopped. I got them behind bridge abutments so they could not get hit by the other cars skidding out and I began dealing with one vehicle after another; two rollovers, one into a guardrail, and another slammed into the first vehicle into the ditch. I had uninjured people heading up the road to flag traffic, had one person that seemed calm on the phone with 911 narrating injuries and counts of vehicles, and another person calling the State DOT shop half a mile up the road with a demand for a sanding truck immediately. It was CLEAR within my head for just a few moments. And maybe it was just these very few rare times, because other times I have stood rooted in place wondering what I should do.
If everyone was always a hero, there would be no heroes by definition, only average. Best just be glad that two heroes were there and were in a position to act. You have had enough stress on your plate this last two years, brother, gather your thoughts and form them into one huge deep breath of thanksgiving and let the rest go for now. Love you, ok?