Well, here's another one to add to the mix. The stave had a good deal of natural deflex to it, which I didn't even attempt to mess with cause in my experience ERC is not very responsive to heat manipulation. Besides, so many things can go wrong with this wood, I figured why tempt fate?
I left it plenty wide... 2" out of the fades to mid-limb then tapering to 3/8" tips. I did add a touch of recurve at the ends to compensate a little for the deflex. I removed quite a bit of sapwood, chasing a ring an inch or 2 deep to retain as much of that beautiful heartwood on the belly as possible. The bow is backed with goat rawhide applied with knox, which left it remarkably translucent.
I really love shooting this bow. It's sooo light and the deflex and length give it stability and smoothness.

67" ntn
50# at 27"
whitetail antler overlays