@ eric krewson, the bow currently is 72" long, with the very tips of it being 5/16" thick and 1/2" wide. The handle is 1.5" wide at it's widest (along the entire length of the riser block which is 10" long). I just glued on the riser but wont have a chance to do any work on the bow until next week.
I plan on having a 28" draw and am hoping to get 50lbs but that may be unrealistic for my first time.
I don't have any hickory to back the bow with and i'm not sure where i get it. Home depot definitely doesn't have think hickory strips. I guess i can back it with something else though, like Sam Harper using sheetrock tape on the guide, it's just so ugly!

I just rounded the very corners of the belly and am going to round the corners of the back the next time i get to work with the bow; but i'll only round it minimally to get rid of shape edges.
Next week i will shape the riser to gently curve into the handle, then i will (finally!) put nocks on and get it on the tree! I think i will start with the nocks 1" down the tips where it's a little bit thicker and wider, but i haven't measured that area precisely.
How thick and wide should the bow be where the nocks are placed?