I'm just south of the border in PA, Erie to be exact. I'd be down with a trip northward at some point. It's always nice to confirm that these forum users are actual real people and not bots, or worse yet figments of my imagination.
Not to mention you guys have better chert up there. ...and better poker rooms too.

Just make sure you post the date and location if you do have a meet.
For anyone interested, next month there is a local "semi-primitive"(no sights, no wheels - single string) 3D shoot down here in NW PA. It shares it's name with another club's winter event, "the snow shoe shoot". This one is put on by the Mercer Co. bow benders. It's definitely a good time. My first year we needed the snow shoes. It was 20 below with a good 3 feet. Last year was more tolerable and most got by in boots. There are a few guys that wear the snow shoes regardless of accumulation, and just consider it part of the event. I however am clumsy enough without the addition of unnecessary snow shoes. I'll post an exact date when I hear from the organizers. FYI - There is no official score kept at this event.