Wow! That is a lot of wood who I don't know that I could use.
Here in fact is very common to find woods like Jatoba, Purple heart, ipe, massaranduba, Aroeira ( other name: Gonsalo Alves ). Others not so easy to find like Pau Amarillo, Bloodwood.
And of course, the dificults: Rosewood (any type), Guayacan, lignum vitae, snakewood, maracaibo boxwood, etc.
When I make some bow, I commonly back him with boo or 'Pau Marfim' ( Guatambu ) who I think is like a BR hickory. But ever could compare because never got hickory in hands.
But I really had no Idea that some woods here could be similar to osage, (who I was planning import and try to use) and can be compared to him.
This discussion really help me. Thanks a lot.