Since this is my first post a small introduction so you have some idea who I am:
I am a 43 year old dude from The Netherlands where I live with my wife and lovely two daughters. At work I sit behind a computer all day so when i am at home I have the need to compensate that by making stuff with my hands.
As far as archery goes: I never knew that there was more then the olympic stuff you see on tv until I was at a medieval festival about three years ago where I met a guy who was building and shooting wooden bows. That meeting triggered something in me and after a while i started searching the internet for more info.
Of course the first hits google gives you are from this forum!
Long story short: I started my first bow about two years ago using a buildalong from this site and every bow after that was built using knowledge from the awesome people here.
So I guess it is time to give back to the community by starting to actually post something:
I have a love for recurves but had never tried black locust. I got a really nice stave from a fellow bowyer and I usually make a straight bow when using a new wood. Somehow during the build I decided to make it into a recurve. I planned to make it a bit shorter but it shoots so good at 66" that I left it like that.
The specs of this bow:
Black locust "HLD" static recurve
66" long
62 lbs @ 28"
Fumed for 2 days using Simon's method
Recurves fumed for one, two and three days extra to get the fade effect
Ipé tip overlays
8 strand fastflight string