Good Morning,
Thank you to everybody

What is fuming with ammonia all about? New one to me.
Fuming turns wood which has a high amount of tannin dark brown, if exposed longer even black, because of a reaction of the ammonia with the tannin.
This works for expample with black locust, osage, oak, elm an chestnut. But I've only tried black locust so far.
Did you fume the maple too or glue it on after?
The maple was fumed too, but since it lacks of tannin it doesn't significantly change colour.
Btw., black locust sapwood does not aswell, so if you leave the last ring of the sapwood on your bow (if its not too dry), you can make some pretty cool looking bows.
Check this out! (Not my bows, credit goes to the user Snake-Jo in my german bowyers forum)