So I've said it before but this time I mean it for real, this is my best shooter ever.

No seriously it is!
Anyways.... it comes from a sweet grained stave I received from Stringman in a trade that just keeps paying off for me.
I've put at least 500-600 arrows through it over the past 3 weeks and the profile remains unchanged. I didn't take a picture of the full draw until I'd already shot the first 100 arrows and I don't even care if it looks off, I'm not changing a thing. Doesn't make a sound when shot, absolutely no hand shock and hammers an arrow home with authority and accuracy. So for all you new bowyers out there don't give up after your first 100-130 bows, heres proof that if you make enough of them you'll eventually get the one you've always wanted. Even if by accident.

60" ntn and a draw weight of somewhere in the neighborhood of 53# at my 24" draw
A little acrylic paint dot pattern and finished with several coats of beeswax and then paste wax only, nothing more
Dyed deerskin handle and shooting off the knuckle with no strike plate