well I will just throw this in for fun,, last week I shot a straight tip sinew back bow I have been working on,,
55 1/2 nock to nock
55#@ 26 inches
180fps with 500 grain arrow,, about 9gpp
8 strand fast flight
big feathers on the arrow
most of the shots were in high 170's
I feel like a good release accounted for the 180 fps,,
I didnt have anyone spotting for me, I had tape on the arrow at 26 inches
I weighed the bow with a hand scale.proably not the most accurate,,
I am just saying these figures are a rough estiamate,, but a good indicator of what a straight tip bow can do,,
i have found in my experience, that a good release and fast flight string are a big part of improved arrow speed,,
I think I was building bows that shot really well, but never appreciated it with a heavy b 50 string and no so good release,,but alot of shooting though the chrono has improved my release and the lighteer string adds fps to that,
maybe this bow would have shot faster with a longer draw,, but since the sinew came off as posted earlier,, I wont ever know,,:)

I hope to experiement with some recurves in the future,,and appreciate all the input,,