Last summer I got a bow from friend, Jerry Floyd.
After shooting it for awhile. I found its 68" length to be bit longer than optimum for my shooting style and relatively short draw length.
So it was either make it a wall-hanger or . . . . . modify it a bit.
Here's the revised version.
40# @ 26".
Osage. 58" nock-to-nock. 1 1/2" wide at fades tapering to 1/2" pin nocks. Flipped tips. 4" handle. 2" fades.
Tip overlays. Water snake skin backing that good friend, DvS, surprised me with at my last year's birthday celebration.
Finished with teak oil, rub-on poly, and furniture wax.
Thanks to Jon, Dave, and Bub for the assist provided on this one!
Hope Jerry approves of the changes when he sees it at MoJam!!
Thanks for lookin'.